Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Birthday celebration with Irritants

Celebrated my birthday with the irritants on Tuesday as Lau Pa Sat, luckily i chose this place as i was late for an hour due to work. So happy to see them again as we hardly have group meetings recently due to one another's tight schedule. The last time i saw them was months back where we had mahjong session at ah di's house. I think the next time i will see them will be when the balloon bursts. =)

Ah Di, thanks for organising and to those who remember..... For those who dont remember, no worries lah i wont blame you for that hehe =) I will forgive those who are honest... and maybe those who are not but overseas??? Muhahahahah

A little sweet gift from Di, brownies from The Brownie Factory and colourful macarons from Baker's Inn to brighten up the brownie. The pic looks so nice hor?

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