Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Buddies = Strangers

Have you ever lose a close friend to your change of thoughts, beliefs or attitude? You can be so close at this point of time, the next moment the two of you behave like strangers?

I have this friend whom i am close with since sec schools. We shared all our secrets, happy and sad moments and spent most of our time together. With this, others term the both of us as close buddies. Unknowingly as we moved on to the next phrase of our lives - our thinking, circle of friends, attitude towards life change. We tried to be as close but the feeling is no longer the same. There might be some misunderstanding here and there but with no arguments, no disagreements, we distanced away from each other. Nothing much is done to salvage this friendship during that time as we were both busy with our own new circle of friends. We lost touch for years but still have the contacts on hand.

One day, one just say hi over msn and starting chatting. We talked about our untreasured friendship and realised how much we have missed out in each other's life. As much as we try to share, our friendship still remains very superficial till now.

It can never be the same as before.

Always treasure before you know that it is no longer there be it friendship or kinship............


Junie said...

amy replied my sms the night we went for dinner. she said she was out of town, she called and we chatted for awhile. I'm quite happy!

Anonymous said...

yupz...i agree to wat u said...
sometimes i wonder if this is life...friends come and go


Anonymous said...

yup yup...friends come and go...but i am still here... hehehe... =)

well...not here here lah..but here ...ahh..u know what i mean...

hei =)

Eliz . Xin said...

Junie... Thats good at least she bothers to return ur msg when she returns... It makes your day isnt it?

Anonymous said...

Everyone goes thru this. Mr Anything too lost many friends... actually too many...

Well, i can probably only have myself to blame.

Eliz . Xin said...

Mr Anything You still have us!!!!